Wednesday 8 February 2012


I liked the way my previous random portrait came out, so I decided to do another one! I still like the first one a lot better, but this one was okay too. It took a long time for me to find a colour combination that I actually liked... although it is quite monotone now.

(What it looked like before.. i kinda like it better :P)

Aside from the drawing, I just finished the series of The Maze Runner by James Dashner. It was such a good series! It was a very quick read, but excellent nonetheless! It is a teen book about a boy who wakes up in an elevator, unable to recall many of the details of his life. He finds himself in a place called The glade, surrounded by a maze and filled with other teenage boys. He begins asking questions, soon to find out that none of the other boys know why they are there, but they try to solve the maze every day in hopes of getting out. Everything changes when a girl is sent to them through the elevator, as a "trigger". It is a really intriguing series, after finishing all 3 books I really thought about it and it stuck with me! Apparently they are making a movie out of it too.... that is something to look forward to :D
Anyways I just had to share about this series because I enjoyed it that much!
Byebye for now!