Thursday 22 March 2012

IF- Shades

I was not satisfied with my first edit/linework that I did a few weeks back of this girl. I felt that when I created the lines over the pencil in photoshop, I lost lots of the details that I had. So I decided to work on it from a different technique and kept the original pencil. And added a cool pair of shades, of course. :P I am much more happy with it now, and I will stop working on this picture and move on. 


Sunday 18 March 2012


A random personal logo project. I just picked a random name and went with it. I wanted something eye catching, bold but still matching the marketing field. I experimented with various shapes/fonts/colours, but these were my favourite.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Things I lost

So in my 4th year of school, very very last day of the 1st semester, I lost my usb key... which had a large portion of my graphic design from that semester on it! I unfortunately didn't back up most of it... but luckily, I still have some printouts! Rather than scanning them in, I am just going to recreate them, as I wasn't completely happy with them before. 
This is from a project where we had to create a book cover based on a short story.

"Angie left Virgil -- left the baby too. For the past five months Virgil's been planning for today's homecoming.
Angie says in her fidgety bird voice, "Lo, Virg. Ain't too gooda day is it? Waddyathink, Virg, waddyathink?
"Not so good. She's in the other room."
A tear in the window shade angles light into a cardboard box where the baby lies, dreamless. She is in her best clothes, as if dressed for a tea party. Virgil strokes her soft-hair and pale cheek. He ties the lid closed with white string.
Then his mind explodes into a pile of loose hay."