Monday 11 June 2012

[WIP] Gown

Well, I am done uploading all of my old work, so its time to add a recent piece.
I went on another drawing spree the other day, and this is what i came up with. I just had an image like this in mind so i decided to draw it. I also hadn't used my markers in a while, so that was nice to use again. I find I like markers and pen way better than pencil.
I plan on trying out some new things with this one, we will see how it looks.

A Kind of Mutiny

This is the second book cover I did for graphic design class. It was based upon a really depressing short story about a man who loses his thumb in a saw accident in his workshop. His dog takes his thumb, and will not give it back. His wife eventually gathers the thumb from the dog, and the husband is taken to the hospital, but it is too late to re-attach his thumb. The man takes the loss of his thumb hard, and begins to neglect his workshop and abuse drugs. He hates his dog for being disloyal to him, and hates his wifes perfect hands. I captured the story in the book cover by using an extremely uncomfortable cropped composition. I filled the title with a subtle background of pills, and used dull colours for the background.

Never Ask Questions

This was for a 2nd year project, where we had to listen to a band that we randomly picked from a hat, rename it with names that we randomly picked from a hat, and had to give it an album title with a word you got randomly too. I got this gangster rap sort of genre, I was going for sort of graffiti on a wall, because when I think gangster rap I correlate it with graffiti, the big, chunky sort of wall graffiti. We had to create a cd cover for this band, as well as a poster to go inside it.

Nancy's Bakery

These are some mock logos I created for a bakery called Nancy's bakery.


So a while ago I created some logos and layouts for a company called Life=Art Photography. It was fun working on these, and closely with the business owner to come up with something she likes. Here are the Logos i created, as well as a Thank You card for her to send out. Each circle represents the different types of photography she does: children, wedding, and fashion photography.

Avenue: Winter Wonderland

For 2nd year Infographics class, we had to come up with a spread that would appear in a newspaper. It was winter, and although it was not snowing I decided that it would be fun to rediscover the different types of snow forts you could make, if it was snowing.

Water Packaging

This was a project done in 3rd year graphic design. We had to come up with the designs for flavoured water. The product names I worked with were Fire water and Rain water. The audience we were given to work with was an older, richer audience. I created the packaging with wine in mind.

Designer Fabric outlet

4th year graphic design project. We were given a company and had to redesign the logotype, business cards, and postcards.

Constellations Book

I have decided to upload some of my old projects upon realizing that they were never shared! I don't know why I didn't share them, this was above all my favourite project of the year. It was done in my 4th year at Sheridan College. For my final project I created an illustrated book about some stories behind the constellations that I really liked. I had nine illustrations total, and the book printed out very nicely. I used if you are interested in creating your own. Anyways, these are my favourite pages.

Interior Design Poster

Sooo I am pretty happy today because I found an old piece that I thought I lost! The quality is bad because I no longer have the digital file and I had to take a picture of it (its too big to scan). I will reupload when I remake this one!