Wednesday 1 August 2012


Its been a while since I posted something here! It is now august 1st, I can't believe summer is almost gone. I have been working lots lately, but I have been doing lots of reading and relaxing as well. This week in particular I am off work until next wednesday.. it should be great! I spend lots of time outdoors, we have this really pretty gazebo in our backyard, its a great place to read and draw and just have quiet time to myself.
This is my gazebo, fave spot ever!

Ive not been in the mood to draw very much lately, so I have been doodling lately instead. But I really miss producing real finished pieces. Maybe I will have one soon, who knows! For now, here is a photoshop doodle I made today. I just wanted to do a drawing with some certain colours, and I got this one.