Monday 30 January 2012

Poster of a girl

I haven't posted anything in a long time, I got pretty busy for a while there! I hope everyone has had a wonderful start to the new year! I feel like it is going too fast already. But I do have a lot of free time now so that is promising! I have been doing a lot of reading lately... so drawing has been pushed back a tad, but I am getting back into it again ;) Oh and I am also doubly distracted by video games now as well.... we just got a ps3 so yeah.... more of that than ever.... XD
But back to the drawing! I decided to draw this girl last night when I got bored. I do draw sometimes in my sketchbook with pencil, but lately I have been finding that I just love the tablet so much more. Eventually I will scan my pencil drawings to the computer and work on linework... but for now, my computer is my favorite sketch pad :) I just love the flexibility of digital work, how I can lay on colours, change the colour of my lines and just plain experiment for hours!

Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Year

1st blog post of the new year! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday, and a great start to 2012 :)

Recently I did some wall paintings for 2 wonderful kids.
Football themed room :

There are footballs painted all around this room! The number 12 is Devon's football number!

Music themed room:
(not the best photo, there is a cord running from the microphone that was cut out) 
Both really liked their rooms, so I am happy about that!  It was nice to actually paint something again, it had been so long! Hopefully I get to do more like this in the new year :)