Thursday 17 May 2012

Bun [WIP]

Ive been going through lots of magazines that I had gotten from the library as discards and choosing my favourite pages. Ive been creating a binder full of poses, colours, pretty clothes and awesome hair... and needless to say, I have been drawing lots too! Most of the pictures are in my sketchbook and not yet scanned, but here is one that I started on the computer.
I decided to draw an asian girl this time, and I love profiles. So I'm really looking forward to this one completed! I had originally told myself that the next drawing I do will be using a burnt orange colour and an aquamarine, but I prefer the deep reds and light greyish blues for this one.

(This is how I had been wearing my hair for the past month, minus the bangs, but not anymore! Snazzy new haircut ;D This is a tribute to my bun.. which I will miss!)

This post also proves that I am not dead, and indeed being somewhat productive. XD 

In other news, I have recently become addicted to Pinterest and have been browsing it for hours and pinning different things instead of being productive. I now have tons of pretty images in my head-- and on my pinboards! I plan on collecting more images first hand in toronto for this long weekend! Ill bring my trusty digital camera (which I hope to soon be replacing with that d7000) and I hope to take some pretty sunset shots from the CN tower. Which I have never been on before, despite me living here my whole life. 

Hope everyone has a lovely long weekend! 


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