Wednesday 23 May 2012

Pattern exploration

After coming home from an intense new experience with hot yoga, and being sunburned and not wanting to go outside I had a random creative burst!  :)
While using printed fabrics for my illustrations is fun and all, sometimes I just have a particular design in my mind, and found fabrics just won't cut it. I have toyed with the idea of making my own printed patterns, and today I actually got down to doing it. And it was surprisingly fun.

I forget how flexible adobe illustrator can be, and how much fun I had fooling around in graphic design class. Seeing as most of my finished work is in digital format, it makes sense to have my own collection of digital patterns. One of my main concerns was how to make the pattern symmetrical and repeatable. That was surprisingly way too easily accomplished in illustrator. This is what i did!
I started out with 1 line and created this object. 

 I repeated the object, rotated it, overlapped it, and changed the stroke to create different looks!
Its repeatable! Woot!

After repeating and getting rid of a few green background squares, it looks like this. 

So it was a very simple process, very simple design, and  I hope to try more unique and intricate patterns in the future. This was all done in under 20 minutes, and the exploration on just that one object is endless! 

Problem solved! And its so much fun making these! Seriously, why hadn't I tried this sooner?!
-kicks self in butt for being lazy-

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